User Guide
- Introduction
- Features
ChuChu Bot is a task management bot built on Duke. It is capable of managing different kinds of task and also has various features such as add and delete.
1. Add new task
Duplicate task will not be added
- There are 3 kinds of task:
- todo: task with no date and time attached
- deadline: task with an end date and time
- event: tasks with a start and end date and time
todo - add todo task
todo [task description]
deadline - add deadline task
deadline [task description] /by [d/MM/yyyy HH:mm] **avoid** using /by in task description
event - add event task
event [task description] /at [d/MM/yyyy HH:mm to d/MM/yyyy HH:mm] **avoid** using /at in task description
2. Delete task
Deletes task at the specified index
delete [index of task]
3. Find task
Finds all task with matching keyword
find [keyword]
4. List task
Lists all tasks that the bot is managing
5. Mark task as done
Updates the status of a task at specified index from undone to done
done [index of task]
6. Exit
Terminates the application